Deposit of my drawings, processes, color and art research.

Deposit of my drawings, processes, color and art research.

Intrigue and Restitution

Author: William Marquina
Title: Intrigue and Restitution
Technique: Pigment black, yellow, hair dog, photo magazine and foil on glazed paper
Dimensions: 13” x 19” x 0,008” (33 cm x 48 cm x 0.02 cm)
Year: 2015
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Keywords: painting, sex, yellow color, woman, aluminium, couples, drawing, restitution, female, Alighiero E Boetti, art povera, intrigue.
Description: It's a dark theme among women, it's double standards in the relations intimate woman and how her life fluctuates between attitudes of intrigue and desire to restore the normality of her womanhood. I wanted to represent this situation in contemporary women using the image of a photo of fashion magazine. I cut the figure of this model investing opposite bottom of the page in which it appears another female figure, thus achieving a symmetrical composition with cropped silhouette effect, placing the figure to the right and leaving the rest of the photo to the left. I like the legacy of Alighiero E Boetti left us with the Art Povera, that fair relationship between found objects, painting, drawing, other techniques and technologies with the concept and the time of the subject which to treat a work of contemporary art. This piece has no frame and is signed at the back.
This work is available for sale at:

 Intrigue and Restitution

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