Deposit of my drawings, processes, color and art research.

Deposit of my drawings, processes, color and art research.

Indomitable with Appearance

Author: William Marquina
Title: Indomitable with Appearance
Technique: Pigment black, hair of dog, photo of magazine and foil on glazed paper
Dimensions: 13” x 19” x 0,008” (33 cm x 48 cm x 0.02 cm)
Year: 2015
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Key words: drawing, contemporary, black, photo magazine, woman, animal, aluminum, paper, indomitable, appearance, Art Povera, Alighiero E Boetti
Description: often the preponderance of the modern woman is usually related with inflexible attitudes and appearances. This feature in the woman is interesting because this becomes challenging in our culture, contemporary, different from submissive women from centuries past. I divided the composition in two planes: one, where I used magazine photo by cutting out the silhouette of the figure of the woman and by replacing the space with hairs my pet (dog ChowChow) denoting the indomitable character; then I put the figure in the background reflected in aluminum foil, so the idea of "appearance". This piece has no frame and is signed at the back.
This work is available for sale at:

Indomitable with Appearance

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